Wreck This Journal!
I was so excited when the UPS guy dropped off this book yesterday! It's the latest from Keri Smith and those art journalers among you are going to loooove it! Nattie and I had the chance to look through it briefly last night, and there were some awesome prompts including things like:
glue a random page from a newspaper here;
poke holes in this page using a pencil;
fill in this page when you are really ANGRY; and my personal favorite...
glue in a photo of yourself you dislike. Deface.
What a fun project for the Summer!
In other news :) I took Iain and Jamie to the airport this morning; they'll arrive in Glasgow (Scotland) around noon tomorrow. Jamie was super-excited all the way until I said goodbye to them after check-in. Then his big blue eyes teared up and he just held me tight...OMG...I had to take a couple of minutes in the car before driving home. What a moment! I do plan on making the most of these 10 days with Nattie though!