Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Written by toners at 9:43 PM 3 comments
Labels: Anytime card, Life, Odd Bird Planet, Stamping Bella
Some Sunshine for Wednesday!
I used one of the brand new Artful INKables sets; it's called "Celestial Bodies". I stamped the sun twice, and then double-mounted it on the card to make it really stand out. There are 3 colors of Stickles on there, to give a very sparkly look to the sun :) The ribbon is also from AI; you can check out all the colors Kristin has right here. It's nice and flat, which makes it easier to attach. I hope you like it!
Written by toners at 12:00 AM 5 comments
Labels: Anytime card, Artful Inkables
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
TCP Tuesday - Inspiration Challenge

Hi all! It's my turn to host TCP Tuesday, and this week I have an Inspiration Challenge for you. The challenge is to make a card (or any other project!) using the photo on the left as your inspiration. Aren't those glasses pretty? I found them at the Museum of Modern Arts website. I hope you can play along! Here are the details...
1. Add a link to your creation in the comments for this post. You can post up until midnight this coming Saturday, May 2nd.
2. If you're posting to the gallery at Splitcoast Stampers, use the keyword TCPTUES56 so that we can find your piece!
3. TCP stamps are not required, but are of course encouraged :)
4. All of the cards will be featured in Alma's "Holey Moley Monday!" slideshow!
5. Each month, Alma will select the "Swanky Stamper" for that month. The Swanky Stamper will receive $25 in Cat Cash to spend on the TCP site, and the winning creation will be featured on the TCP site for the following month :)
For my card I used the design of the glass as inspiration. I used white for the top of my card, and then pink and green for the rest. I also did some paper piecing for the flowerpot and the heart. The stamp I used is one of my favorite TCP images; it's called "Budding Baby", and the sentiment is "Welcome Little One" :) So...what are you waiting for?? Have fun! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Written by toners at 12:01 AM 16 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
A day at home...
Written by toners at 10:05 AM 4 comments
Labels: Anytime card, Gina K Designs
Sunday, April 26, 2009
With Sympathy
Written by toners at 9:05 AM 9 comments
Labels: Artful Inkables, Sympathy card
Mini Clipboard
Hi all, I hope everyone is having a great weekend :) Today Nattie and I spent the day together; she needed a new swimsuit and a couple of T-shirts, so we picked them up for her and then went to a nearby pottery place to do some painting. It was very relaxing, just the two of us. After that we went to Barnes & Noble for a while until I drove Nattie to her friend's for a sleepover.
Here's a little mini clipboard that I altered a little with patterned paper (Crate Paper) and stamps by Artful INKables. This set is called "Bouquets and Butterflies".
We had some bizarre weather here today - very foggy for most of the day, and then a mix of snow and rain at the end of the day. About 80% of the snow from the last big storm has gone, though, so it really is looking Spring-like at last :)
Written by toners at 12:40 AM 5 comments
Labels: Artful Inkables, Non-card projects
Friday, April 24, 2009
Card Positioning Systems sketch
Written by toners at 9:02 AM 5 comments
Labels: Happy Birthday, TCP
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Here it is!
Written by toners at 5:34 PM 3 comments
Labels: Happy Birthday, TCP
Circle challenge from circle journal group :)
For this one I used my Nestabilities dies; I also used a die to cut out the card shape (scalloped circle). And - there are no stamps on this one! I was going to add a sentiment, but I decided I like it just the way it turned out here :) I added dots for details with my gel pens, and the brad in the center is a fuzzy velvet black brad.
Written by toners at 7:48 AM 7 comments
Labels: Anytime card
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Busy week!
It's been a busy week here since we got our power back on Monday. I've been playing catch-up with school and housework (ugh!), and then on Tuesday evening we had our "Showcase" (open house) at school. I was on the committee that organized the event, and it went very well. It was originally planned for last week, but was postponed when the big snowstorm headed our way. Lots of new kindergarten families came along to meet the staff and have a look around the school, and the evening is also a big social event for current families :)
And this evening I went to a reception for the "Values Awards" recipients for Jefferson County Public Schools employees. There were 660 of us (there are over 12,000 school employees in JeffCo), and the whole event was very well done. Myself and 2 others from our school attended and received awards (mine was for teamwork) :) Even though this is just my first year working at the school, I have to say I love my job! I am lucky to work with such a super group of students and staff every day, and to be able to have the flexibility to be home with Nattie and Jamie when they leave and when they get home from school every day.
I'll be back tomorrow to post my TCP Tuesday and Seasoned CJ Survivors Challenge cards :) Thanks for stopping by!
Written by toners at 10:57 PM 4 comments
Labels: Life
Gift Card Holder :)
Hi there! I realized that I hadn't posted this project here on my blog yet; it's a gift card holder made by Creative Imaginations. It opens up to hold the card inside the little pocket, and is very easy to decorate with paper, punches, ribbon, and of course - stamps! I used the "Friendship Flowers" set from Artful INKables. The images are nice and bold, which makes them fun to color and cut out :) The "for you" sentiment stamp is one of the "Basic Sentiments" stamps.
Written by toners at 10:52 PM 4 comments
Labels: Artful Inkables, Non-card projects
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
TCP Tuesday - Sketch Challenge!
Written by toners at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: TCP
Monday, April 20, 2009
Let's hear it for electricity!
Yeah! We have electricity, running water and internet access! Things were rough for the last couple of days - we ran out of water in the toilets so had to keep filling them up (with melted snow!) so that we could flush them; we all showered at the rec center on Sunday after Jamie's swim lesson, and we have more extension cables than we ever thought we'd need! I am glad that we got the generator during our first winter here - it definitely helped to at least be warm and to be able to have our refrigerator working, if nothing else.
We were all ready to head out to a hotel tonight if we needed to, but then around 3pm we got that flicker, and the power was back on! We waited a few hours before packing away the generator and cables, just to be sure, and then we were able to get some things done like taking a hot shower, getting some laundry started, and running the dishwasher! How did we ever manage without a dishwasher?! :)
Now I have tons of catching up to do for this past week of my school class. Ugh! For some reason, things don't seem too bad though - because compared to 24 hours ago, life is GOOD! I can flush my toilet, and it fills up again by itself! Yeah!
Thank you everyone for all the warm wishes. I'll be back tomorrow for TCP Tuesday :)
Written by toners at 11:07 PM 10 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I'm here!
Hi all - just a quick post via BlackBerry - we received about 3 feet of snow altogether! We've had no power or internet since Friday evening. The generator is hooked up to the essentials (fridge, pellet stove heater, etc.). No running water, so there may be a trip down the hill in our future so that we can all get a shower...
It looks really beautiful, but man! I miss water and power :)
Written by toners at 7:57 AM 7 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Snow day :)

Written by toners at 9:21 AM 7 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tracy's Sketch Challenge #32
Hey there! I hope you're having a terrific week. Thank you to everyone who stopped by on their way around the Artful INKables blog hop yesterday - I truly appreciate your comments, and I think that a hop is a great way to showcase new releases!
Today I have a card that I made for Tracy's Sketch Challenge from last week. Tracy posts a new challenge every Thursday, and I try to play along as often as I can :) I pulled out my "Sick Poochie" and "Dogtor's Orders" stamps (from TCP, of course) and got to work.
Can you tell that this card was made around the same time as yesterday's card (hence the stitching)? LOL! I seem to go through phases with techniques like that :) The patterned paper is from the "Penny Lane" collection by My Mind's Eye. I have to say, I really like how the texture on Poochie's quilt turned out; he looks much more cozy in his bed now :)
We might be in for some major Spring snow (aka heavy and wet snow) between now and Saturday afternoon - some forecasts are saying as much as 2 or 3 feet for us here in Conifer - yikes! The kids are already hoping for a snow day on Friday, but we have to wait and see which direction the storm takes...
Written by toners at 2:00 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Artful INKables Blog Hop!!
Written by toners at 6:00 AM 19 comments
Labels: Anytime card, Artful Inkables
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
TCP Tuesday - Stamp Challenge

Written by toners at 7:46 AM 5 comments
Labels: TCP
Kristin's Sneak Peeks :)
Check out Kristin's blog for a peek at some cards (and links to others) made with two of the four new sets coming on Wednesday from Artful INKables!! We're having our Artful INKables blog hop this Wednesday morning; each of the INK girls will have a project made from the new sets to show you :) Yeah!
Written by toners at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Artful Inkables
Monday, April 13, 2009
Miss You Card
Written by toners at 1:09 AM 9 comments
Labels: Artful Inkables, Miss You
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Better late than never :)
The stamps I used are "Hatching Sprinkle" and "Bold Happy Easter", and the layout is from the Sketch Challenge over at Splitcoast Stampers for this week :) Have a super Easter Sunday!
Written by toners at 9:33 AM 10 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Day of creating ahead!
Written by toners at 10:03 AM 5 comments
Labels: Anytime card, Artful Inkables, Family
Tasha Update
Thank you so very, very much for all the concern about Tasha. She is getting a little better every day and has been a good girl about taking her medicine (even if it does have to be hidden in a teaspoonful of peanut butter).
I finally got a call back from the boarding place the other night. The owner listened to everything I had to say and seemed to genuinely feel bad about what happened. Of course, she didn't know how it had happened (which is what I expected her to say). She said they noticed straight away that Tasha is a very timid/nervous dog, and I told her that we had also written about that on our information sheet when we dropped her off. So why didn't they keep a better watch on her? I said one of my biggest concerns (along with the apparent lack of supervision in the yard) was that since we knew from the vet that the wound was relatively old, this meant that Tasha didn't get a whole lot of TLC.
I might be being a little idealistic here, but I would like to think that if you had a new dog staying at your facility, you'd check in with the dog at least once a day, pet them and talk to them and just generally see how they're doing. If they had even taken the time to pet Tasha on the head, she would have yelped and/or flinched from the pain in her ear, and perhaps the bites would have been noticed and treated a lot sooner.
Anyway, in the end (after pointing out that we did, of course, sign a waiver) she agreed to pay for half of the vet bill and to refund Tasha's boarding fees. Then she asked if we would consider giving them a second chance - HA! That's a good one! No way will she be going back there!
Written by toners at 9:55 AM 9 comments
Labels: Family
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
The patient
Written by toners at 5:24 PM 11 comments
Labels: Family
Poor Tasha
Hey there, well I had all good intentions for getting my TCP Tuesday card done yesterday, but ended up having to make an emergency run to the vet. When we picked Tasha up from the boarding place on Sunday, she had a cut on her ear. At the time it looked pretty clean, and we figured it would just heal itself. By yesterday morning it had become severely infected and I had to take her in to the vet before I went to work.
It turns out she had 2 dog bites on her ear and she had to be sedated so that they could clean it up and stitch it...they also had to pump her with some IV fluids because she was a little dehydrated. After a long day of phone calls to and from the vet, we were able to pick Tasha up at dinnertime yesterday. She has pain meds and antibiotics, and has to wear one of those cone collars for at least a week. I feel so bad for her; she's just not herself!
I think she'll get a good rest while I'm out at work this morning; I gave her some of the medication and she's fast asleep now. I got up this morning and boiled some chicken for her (the vet gave us a list of bland foods she wants her to eat if she won't eat the dog food for now). She ate it happily (I had to hand feed her; she hasn't figured out how to eat with the big collar on yet) and it stayed down, so that's a step in the right direction.
Written by toners at 8:12 AM 13 comments
Labels: Family
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
TCP Tuesday - Color Challenge
Written by toners at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: TCP
Monday, April 06, 2009
Iain, Jamie and Nattie at Ghirardelli Square

I wish our trip hadn't flown by so quickly! We were busy every day carrying out our plan of being tourists - something we hardly did when we actually lived in the Bay Area from 1997 - 2002! The kids' favorite parts of the trip were riding the cable car (3 times!), having ice gream at the Ghirardelli Ice Cream Shop, and visiting the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield. Needless to say, they came home with enough Jelly Beans to last a while :)
Written by toners at 5:13 PM 10 comments
Labels: Family
More Friendship Flowers :)
Written by toners at 7:43 AM 10 comments
Labels: Artful Inkables, Get Well
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Friendship Flowers :)
Written by toners at 4:39 PM 10 comments
Labels: Anytime card, Artful Inkables
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Heading home...
Hi all! We've had a great few days away - we're tired, but had a fantastic time :) I'll post more tomorrow night after we get home. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Written by toners at 8:51 PM 0 comments