Cards RAK and...I can drive again!

Written by toners at 5:58 PM 13 comments
he'll want to climb in it and not come out until you drag him out! Well, at least that's what Bailey did the other day :)
Written by toners at 8:57 AM 7 comments
Written by toners at 6:40 PM 9 comments
I love this Tulips image from Hero Arts. I used it to make some ATCs for a swap over on Splitcoast Stampers. I entered in 4 spots: 2 Spring Flowers and 2 Valentines so I should be getting some great pieces of work back in a couple of weeks!
Yesterday I started work on some more cards using some TCP and MFT images, just to use up some scraps I have. Hopefully I'll have them finished to show you in the next couple of days.
We have snow forecast for this afternoon! I can't believe how much less snow we have received so far this winter compared to last year. We are even able to see little patches of grass in our yard right now, whereas last year we didn't see any grass from October '06 to April '08! :)
I'm starting to get cabin fever - I've been home for 2 weeks since my surgery, apart from a trip out for a doctor's appointment (where Iain drove). I told Iain last night I want to get out and drive myself, but he thinks I should wait until after my 2-week checkup tomorrow...I know he's right, but it's so tempting to grab my car keys and run out to the grocery store! Especially when he's gone today on a day-trip to St. Louis! Who would have thought something like driving to the grocery store would sound so exciting to me! Ha ha! Anyway, wish me luck for the appointment tomorrow and hopefully the doctor will release me for driving. I'll still be restricted with things like lifting, but being able to get out and about again will be just fine with me!! Have a great Wednesday :)
Written by toners at 8:08 AM 14 comments
Written by toners at 11:00 AM 18 comments
I am excited to announce that I have joined the Design Team for Creative Cuts and More, a die cut company located right here in Colorado! I chatted with the owner, Terry, today and she has lots of great ideas for building her business. What I also like is that I'll be able to incorporate stamping and other methods of embellishment with these projects! Stay tuned over the coming weeks when I post some new projects from the box of goodies I'll be receiving :)
Today I spent some time stamping with a set of stamps I bought a couple of months ago from Hanna Stamps called "But I Need It" - a shopping set! I'm not really a shopper (well, unless you count scrapping or stamping supplies), but I made some really nice cards that I'll post tomorrow and send to a couple of girlfriends. It was nice to take some time stamping just for me. Have a great evening!
Written by toners at 6:16 PM 11 comments
How sweet is this little guy? He's made with a set called "Punny Farm" from My Favorite Things. I stamped him twice on white paper, used one for the base image and then cut out just the face of the other image and used a pop dot to make it stand out :)
Having a quiet day here...Nattie had a friend sleep over last night and Iain took all the kids out sledding this morning. They came back red-cheeked and worn out! I think we might watch a movie this afternoon...enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Written by toners at 1:43 PM 7 comments
Written by toners at 6:27 PM 3 comments
Here's another project I finished with the new release from The Cat's Pajamas. The set is called "Be Still, My Beating Heart" and comes with a great set of different sizes of hearts which are also compatible with the Marvy Heart Punches! I love it when stamp companies make cardmaking easier for us!
I punched the hearts with VersaFine Onyx ink on Memory Box "Flirt" paper, cut them out and attached them to the white square frame. I found the frame in a set of 3 at the Target $1 spot! Can't beat that price!!
Today's blog challenge from Two Peas is "what are your weekend scrapping plans?". I don't have any; I'm still taking things really easy and recuperating. I think Iain is going to take the kids sledding at some point over the weekend and we'll probably have a family movie night hanging out together. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Written by toners at 8:13 PM 12 comments
Written by toners at 9:45 AM 14 comments
SHIRLEY!! Shirley, send me an email at with your mailing information and I will get these out to you asap :) Congratulations! You are going to looooove this set of stamps!
Written by toners at 8:24 AM 3 comments
Another TCP card today, made with the new "Puppy Love" set. The patterned paper is by Memory Box. Enjoy the rest of your day!
I'm still planning on doing another drawing first thing in the morning if I don't hear from stay tuned!
Written by toners at 10:31 AM 11 comments
One of my blogging friends, Sabrina, sent me the "You Make My Day" blog award! What fun! It's so encouraging to have regular blog readers, and it's even better that they are my friends! So now I'm passing this on to the following bloggers who make me smile every single day....drum roll please....
Enjoy your award and display it proudly on your blog! Have a wonderful day!
Written by toners at 12:39 PM 9 comments
Written by toners at 12:30 PM 8 comments
Hi everyone - I'm back, posting today from the comfort of my couch. Thank you SO MUCH for all the well wishes, cards, flowers, and support. You all ROCK! I am so very lucky to know you all :)
Written by toners at 10:06 AM 17 comments
Right in the middle of all the blog candy fun with TCP this week, I am taking some blog leave. I'm actually having a hysterectomy done tomorrow morning (Tuesday), and will be in the hospital for a couple of days. I'm pretty nervous but am hoping that the relief after the lengthy recovery process will be well worth it. And, in the spirit of blogging/journaling, I wrote a goodbye letter to my uterus :)
Dear Ute,
I know you've been with me for 36 years now, but it's time to say goodbye. Our relationship has had many problems in the past few years, and I need to end it. So, on Tuesday we will be heading to the hospital where you will be surgically removed while I catch some zzzzz's in the OR.
On a positive note, you were the place where my kiddos grew from little grains of rice to 7- and 9-pound babies, and for that I will be eternally grateful. They are happy, healthy kids, and I couldn't have done it without you (or my hubby!). But then...those fibroids got in there and started giving me problems - and I can't deal with another 15 or 20 years of that - so it's time for you to leave.
Thank you for everything you've done for me. You did a great job! I will think of you when Aunt Flo no longer comes to visit every month - WAHOO!!!
Written by toners at 12:55 PM 37 comments
STACY (who left her comment at 2:26pm on January 13)! Courtesy of, your comment was chosen to win the first set of blog candy for this exciting new release from The Cat's Pajamas :) Stacy, please email me at with your information and I'll get these out to you by the end of the week. You are going to looooove these Cowboys, I'm tellin' ya!
Now, everyone else, it's OK because there will be blog candy drawings every day this week! Yep! All of us DT gals have some to give away, so head on over to these blogs - and tell them I sent you!! They have all come up with some amazing sneak peeks, so you can check them out AND enter for the candy! How cool is that?! Click on these links to find blog candy offers from Karrie, Katie, Leigh, and Ana - all week long!
Huge CONGRATULATIONS once again to STACY - and good luck to everyone with the other blog candy entries! Now get on over there! :)
Written by toners at 12:53 AM 6 comments
Written by toners at 3:04 PM 6 comments
I hope you're having a fabulous weekend! The kids and I went shopping yesterday - Nattie had a blast spending her gift card in Kohl's, especially since there was a ton of stuff on sale! We also went to the mall and ordered the extra links for my new watch, and found another great sale at Bath & Body Works :) Then Iain came and met us at PF Chang's for dinner - YUM! In the evening we watched "Underdog" with the kids - very cute movie - and after they went to bed, Iain and I watched "3:10 to Yuma" starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. It was a fun Western with an interesting storyline - and great ending!
Today Iain and Nattie have gone skiing at Winter Park. They left bright and early this morning. Jamie and I are going to walk Tasha, do a couple of experiments from his new Chemistry Kit, and get laundry done. I also have a couple of TCP projects to finish and mail out tomorrow to Alma. Talking of TCP, today's card is another one made with the Spring line being released on SATURDAY! Yeah! And I love this patterned paper by Cosmo Cricket :)
The drawing for BLOG CANDY will be early tomorrow morning, so you can continue adding comments to Wednesday's post to be in with a chance to win!
Written by toners at 8:25 AM 4 comments
Written by toners at 8:26 AM 13 comments
Alma from The Cat's Pajamas has donated some Blog Candy for us DT members to offer in drawings next week! Woo hoo! And first up - is me! Here's what you have to do:
Just leave a comment by midnight on Sunday night, telling me what themes of stamps you'd like to see more of in the stamping world - flowers, sentiments, alphabets, whatever you think! I will draw the name of the lucky winner on Monday morning...and that person will receive a set of the brand new Cowboy stamps! Yee haw! Good luck everyone!
Written by toners at 10:42 PM 121 comments
Written by toners at 4:06 PM 5 comments
I love this little guy :) He was released in 2007 as part of The Cat's Pajamas' Spring line and will be featured in a new collection of acrylic stamps being released in just 10 days! Isn't he adorable?
How is your day going? I got lots of stamping done yesterday, and today my mission is to get started on a Circle Journal for our Seasoned CJ Survivors group. I need to mail it out to Sue by the weekend :) Iain is in San Francisco for a couple of days, so I'll get some nighttime creating done too!
The kids are back at school...Jamie is thrilled to be back with his kindergarten class but Nattie would have much preferred to stay home a little longer! Ah, the joys of 5th grade...
Written by toners at 11:18 AM 13 comments
I've been tagged by Janet! Here we go...
1. Name your two favorite scrapbooking topics: family and travel.
2. What are the two best places you've been to? That's a tough one, but if I have to narrow it down, I'd say Lake Wolfgang, Austria and London, England.
3. Name two things you do every day: check my e-mail and drink tea!
4. Tell us two things that everyone pretty much knows about you: I have a Scottish accent; I have 2 kiddos.
5. Two places you wish to visit: Alaska and Norway.
6. Two things you may not know about me are: I was born in England (we moved to Scotland when I was 5); I have a younger sister.
7. Two nicknames you've had at some time in your life: Toners and Bones (don't ask!).
8. Name two of your favorite drinks: Earl Grey tea and Mai Tais (not together!).
9. What are two interesting (in a good or bad way) jobs you've had in your life? Grocery store clerk (only interesting because it was my very first job!) and office temp (yeah...the filing...the filing...and more filing....).
10. The question I'm adding is...what are two things you would like to learn? Baking and knitting (two things I have tried so many times and continue to stink at them! LOL!).
Notice a theme? All the questions have "two" in them. Answer the questions, add one of your own (this tag started with 4 questions), and tag two people. Simple enough? I'm tagging Linda and Karrie. Enjoy!
Back later with a card :)
Written by toners at 7:44 AM 5 comments
Well, there are actually 2 types of candy to talk about here...the first is covered candy wrappers stamped with - yep - you guessed it - Spring stamps from The Cat's Pajamas! It turns out that the Avery labels fit perfectly on Hershey Nuggets! The ink used here is Stazon Red and Black, and ColorBox Aqua. Flowers are of course by Prima :)
And the other type of candy? BLOG CANDY! Yahoo! I'll have a set of the brand spankin' new Cowboys set to give away on Monday the stay tuned later this week for the details on how to enter! Have a great evening!
Written by toners at 5:28 PM 10 comments
Written by toners at 11:11 PM 12 comments
Here you go...another card made for the sneak peek of the new stamps from The Cat's Pajamas! And the release date is...drum roll please...January 19th! Yep - mark your calendars - that's the day you'll be able to get these fantastic new stamps ordered from Alma :) And don't forget to check out the other DT members' blogs for more sneak peeks - you can see them linked over at the right-hand side of my blog!
I'll be back tomorrow with another card! Have a great evening :)
Written by toners at 7:09 PM 7 comments
Written by toners at 11:10 AM 5 comments
Here's another little cutie from the Spring line! Alma has really outdone herself this time - what a fun set to play with! And I know a lot of us are often thinking there is a distinct lack of boy-ish stamps out there. I like the effect of the stitching on this one...
Written by toners at 8:53 AM 15 comments
Written by toners at 9:06 AM 13 comments
Written by toners at 11:55 AM 8 comments