Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Snow Day!

Written by toners at 8:04 PM 5 comments
Labels: Life
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
TCP Tuesday - Color Challenge!
Written by toners at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: TCP
Sunday, October 25, 2009 :)
Written by toners at 12:39 PM 10 comments
Labels: Family
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
It's official...

Written by toners at 4:32 PM 10 comments
Labels: Family
Monday, October 19, 2009
I'm thankful - for another TCP Tuesday Blog Hop!

Written by toners at 7:00 PM 44 comments
Labels: Fall, TCP, Thanksgiving
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Whipper Snapper Reindeer
Hi everyone - I hope your weekend is going well! Today's card was made using a layout from the Sweet Stop Sketches blog, and a stamp from Whipper Snapper Designs called "Chris Moose."
Written by toners at 12:49 PM 6 comments
Labels: Christmas, Whipper Snapper
Friday, October 16, 2009
Featured Blogger Friday!!

I began blogging in early 2007 after stumbling across Amy Rysavy's blog. I'm consider myself technically challenge so it's kind of comical to me that I even have one!
Why do you blog?
Everything crafty! But I do also love to talk about my family & kitties. :)
That there are A LOT of good people out there. I have had a few bumps in the road since I began blogging and the unconditional support and random acts of kindness that I have received is such a special and unexpected gift. While I try to keep my blog mostly about my passion for stamping, I have to be honest when my life happens. I can't tell you how many times someone has left me a comment or sent me an email that has truly made my day or gotten me through a dark time. My family isn't terribly large so my extended family of friends is HUGE for me.
What do you hope that people get out of reading your blog?
I {heart} 2 stamp - Jen del Muro
Wild Stamping Sprinkles - Tori Wild
Taylored Expressions - Taylor VanBruggen
I am completely in awe of each of these artists.
I am drawn to Jen's clean style and flair. Every time I see her work I'm like WOW, I never would have thunk to do that!
Tori is the queen of color. All of her cards have such a fun use of color. I am lucky enough to be on a design team with Tori and she just knows how to work a card. Oh and it's because of her that I own almost every Nest-ability out there!
And Taylor. Taylor is just amazing. She has a simple & clean style that I just love. And when my mojo isn't cooperating I can always turn to her wonderful Key Ingredients kits to help me along.
Written by toners at 11:31 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Winter Welcome :)
Written by toners at 7:50 PM 6 comments
Labels: Winter
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
TCP Tuesday!
Written by toners at 10:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: Fall, TCP, Thanksgiving
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday, Monday...
Poor Jamie...this morning he woke me up at 4am telling me that his ear hurt; I knew right then that there would be no school for him today. Iain took him to the doctor while I was at work and sure enough, he has an ear infection. So tomorrow I'll be spending the day at home with Jamie since Iain is off to San Francisco for a couple of days. As of tonight, Jamie still isn't keeping much food or water down. Hopefully tomorrow after the antibiotics have kicked in a little then he'll be able to keep something down. Poor little guy :(
There's still a lot of "stuff" going around at school: today I had just 14 kids in a 2nd grade class that is usually made up of 21 kids; Jamie's teacher had 8 out of her 22 kids absent. Time to pull out more Clorox, Lysol, Purell and Kleenex...
Written by toners at 10:55 PM 6 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Crafty Weekend
Written by toners at 3:05 PM 6 comments
Labels: Christmas, Impression Obsession, Winter
Friday, October 09, 2009
Written by toners at 11:31 PM 7 comments
Labels: Life, Savvy Stamps, Whipper Snapper, Winter
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Today I am very thankful for all my supportive friends in the blogging world and the real world. You all know who you are - thank you for being there for me!
Here are some other things I'm thankful for right now:
New stamps from The Cat's Pajamas (a set of clear Thanksgiving stamps will be released next Tuesday, October 13th)! I used the new stamps, buttons and glitter to make today's card :)
Beautiful fall weather here in Conifer - crisp, sunny mornings!
My job. I'm thankful not only that I have a job, but I am also lucky enough to have a job that I really LOVE.
The health and happiness of my kiddos.
Our family pets (Tasha, Pickle, Sally, Aspen, Bailey and Sandy) who give us unconditional love every single day :)
Being only 6 weeks away from completing my bachelor's degree! I'm doubling up on classes for the home stretch, but it'll be worth it to be done before the holidays.
School shows! Jamie is playing "Pete Moss" in the 2nd grade "Save the Plants" show next week. We have been practicing his part every night for the past week :)
Still being able to remember enough math to be able to help Nattie with her algebra homework!
Written by toners at 10:50 PM 15 comments
Labels: Fall, Life, Thanksgiving
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
TCP Tuesday - Happy, Happy Birthday!
Written by toners at 8:15 AM 6 comments
Labels: Happy Birthday, TCP
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Happy World Card Making Day

Hi all, I know I've been very quiet on the blogging front this week. I'm into my last couple of classes before finishing my degree, so between that and keeping up with work and home life, I haven't been able to post as much as I'd like :(
Written by toners at 12:55 PM 8 comments
Labels: Life, Publications