Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Try this :)
I grabbed this little trivia from Gabrielle's blog. It's not as easy as you might think. Change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers!
1. Where is your cell phone? Kitchen
2. Your significant other? Bed
3. Your hair? Short
4. Your mother? England
5. Your father? Gone
6. Your favorite thing? Family
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your favorite drink? Tea
9. Your dream/goal? Contentment
10. The room you're in? Living
11. Your hobby? Papercrafting
12. Your fear? Death
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
14. Where were you last night? Home
15. What you're not? Outgoing
16. Muffins? Yes :)
17. One of your wish list items? Jacuzzi
18. Where you grew up? Scotland
19. The last thing you did? Dishwasher
20. What are you wearing? PJs
21. Your TV? Off
22. Your pets? Crazy
23. Your computer? Laptop
24. Your life? Great!
25. Your mood? Tired
27. Your car? Dirty!
28. Something you're not wearing? Socks
29. Favorite store? Scrapbooking
30. Your summer? Relaxing
31. Like someone? Dad
32. Your favorite color? Blue
33. When is the last time you laughed? Tonight
34. Last time you cried? Today
35. Who will do this? Patti
Written by toners at 11:57 PM 3 comments
Nattie's new bike
Iain and I promised Nattie that we'd get her a new bike this Spring, so last weekend the weather finally cooperated and she got her new bike. It's huge compared to her old one! Here she is outside last night - and of course, Jamie had to get in on the photo :)
Written by toners at 1:41 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Queen Kat Designs - "Grunge" stamp coming soon
For these cards I used the new "Grunge" background stamp coming next month from Queen Kat Designs. I love the texture it added to the flowers on the blue card and the background on the brown card :)
Written by toners at 8:42 PM 8 comments
Know any good workout songs?
If you have suggestions for songs that Benita and I can add to our iTunes lists to use while working out, go over to the "Our Journey" blog and leave us a comment. The more upbeat, the better! Thanks!
Written by toners at 8:40 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
TCP Tuesday!

Written by toners at 10:35 PM 17 comments
The Tudors
Written by toners at 10:50 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cowboys and Cowgirls

The dude on the left is, of course, Ronnie from The Cat's Pajamas. These stamps are called "Lassoed" and "Howdy".
The other ATC is made with the "Ride 'Em Cowgirl" mini set from My Favorite Things. I paper pieced the cowgirl's skirt using paper by Chloe's Closet - the line is called "Rawhide".
Written by toners at 2:39 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Birthday Ensemble
Written by toners at 3:16 PM 9 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Beautiful big flower!
This image is awesome for those of you who enjoy coloring! It's from Whipper Snapper Designs (thanks Karrie!). The patterned paper used here is the "Tudor" collection by Kaiser Craft (an Australian company)...I love the color scheme! I colored the image with colored pencils and blended using Gamsol (odorless mineral spirits).
Oh, and talking of "Tudor", Iain and I watched the first 2 episodes of season 1 of Showtime's series "The Tudors" on was great! Looking forward to watching the rest of the series this coming weekend!
Had a busy morning today...weighed in at WW and lost 1.4lbs, so next week I should cross that first tiny 5-lb milestone :) I went straight from WW to a training session at the gym, so I was ready to sit down and stamp a little this afternoon as a reward!
Don't forget, tomorrow is TCP Tuesday...this week your Hipster Hostess will be Carole!
Written by toners at 11:19 PM 14 comments
Holey Moley Monday!
Written by toners at 8:15 AM 9 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Cards for upcoming swaps: Gina K (crab), Hanna Stamps (moose), MFT (bathtub) :)
Written by toners at 11:40 AM 6 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Busy, busy! And "the mask"...
It's been a busy couple of days here! I haven't even had time for much stamping! Waaah! Never mind, the weekend is coming up and I'm ready to get inky :) This afternoon we went to Nattie's piano recital in Evergreen...she did a duet and 2 solo pieces and she ROCKED! I was so proud of her! I was able to video her performance so that Iain can see it when he gets home.
And my biology class is tough! It was the only subject I had trouble with in high school...I'll be glad when this one is over. And what's with all these electives, anyway? When I went to college back in Scotland the entire course was devoted to your major (Office Studies w/Languages, in my case), and it was the same for Iain's degree in Computer Science. So this whole "electives" thing is new to me...
I got my CPAP machine delivered today...I showed it to the kiddos this afternoon so that they don't get a fright if they come in our room tomorrow morning and see me with it on! LOL! I am really not happy about it and felt pretty down about the whole thing this afternoon...some of you know but I am making a huge effort to lose weight now that it's come down to having to wear a Darth Vader-ish mask at night - my doctor said that in about 2/3 of the cases, losing a good amount of weight can make a big difference in whether or not you need to use the mask. I joined Weight Watchers almost 2 weeks ago and have lost several pounds already, and I also joined a gym and have been getting my butt kicked by a trainer twice a week. Benita and I are considering starting a blog about our weight loss journey, so I'll keep you posted if we go ahead with that and you can come and cheer us on!
Enough of my whining :) What are your weekend plans? My hubby gets back from Mexico tonight and we have him home for the weekend before he leaves for Brazil on Monday :( We'll probably be taking it easy-ish, just enjoying the time for the four of us to hang out together. Temperatures may get up in the high 60s this weekend, so I think we'll be getting the cushions out for the chairs on the deck and perhaps some grilling will be in order - especially after the crazy week of weather we've had!
Have a super weekend, whatever you're up to! I'll be back tomorrow with some cards :)
Written by toners at 8:02 PM 14 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Conifer Jewel :)
Written by toners at 7:49 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wednesday - and happy mail!
So, the kiddos are back at school today now that the power has been restored down there :) The snow is starting to melt...we're supposed to get up to 50 today so that should help; we might get more snow tomorrow though! Ugh!
What are your plans for today? I am going to do some studying for school this morning. The class I'm in right now is Biology and I haven't done that since high school, so this one might be tough for me.... Then this afternoon I'm going to get busy with some ATCs. I have a bunch of swaps that are due by the end of the month :)
And check out this card that I received in the mail yesterday from Trixie! How cute is that with all the stitching? Thanks, Trixie!!
Written by toners at 10:27 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
TCP Tuesday!

Written by toners at 8:44 AM 6 comments
It's a beautiful Spring day in the middle of May...
8" so far and it's still coming down...the kids have no school today because of a power outage down at their school!
Written by toners at 8:42 AM 12 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
I hope everyone had a great day :) I got to spend the day doing my own thing: Iain and the kids were going to go to an amusement park yesterday, but it was quite cold so they went today instead - which meant I got the whole afternoon to myself! I worked on some cards, a team paper for school, went to the gym, came back and had a shower before they arrived home with pizza - a good day for all of us!
I got a lovely handmade card and flowerpot from Jamie. He made them at school :) Nattie made me a "#1 mom" award which I love! And I got "The Tudors" Season 1 on DVD from the kiddos :) I took photos of their gifts and will post them tomorrow. an extra surprise Iain got me a gift certificate to get XM radio installed in my car! Woo hoo! So if you have a favorite channel, let me know so that I can check it out!
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Written by toners at 8:12 PM 10 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Lazy Saturday :)
Written by toners at 11:45 AM 8 comments
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Happy Thursday :)
One more MFT card for you today - I love the "Kids with Fur" sentiment! LOL! The stamp sets used here are "Gone to the Dogs" (lady and dog), "Setting the Stage" (frames), and "Essential Sentiments". The patterned paper here is a new favorite line of mine. It's called Confetti and is made by My Mind's Eye. I loooove the colors and used the papers to paper-piece the lady's skirt and shirt :) The coloring was done with colored pencils and Gamsol.
No huge plans today - I have school work to do and stamping to do. Which should I do first? That's a tough decision - NOT!!
Written by toners at 10:16 AM 9 comments
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Here's my first card made with a new set called "Going Places" that will be released by My Favorite Things tonight. The paper here is from the Die Cuts with a View "Travel Stack".
Written by toners at 8:41 AM 5 comments
My TCP Tuesday card :)
Sorry for the delay in posting this - yesterday was "one of those days"! This is my TCP Tuesday card for this week: Katie (our Hostess this week) asked us to design a card using TCP's "Ring of Flowers" stamp; isn't it pretty? The flower in the middle is by Petaloo; I got mine at My Favorite Things.
Talking of MFT, tonight is the release party at Splitcoast Stampers for the May stamp sets. I'll be posting separately about those later today :)
Have a great day!
Written by toners at 8:01 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
TCP Tuesday and upcoming from MFT!
It's TCP Tuesday again! This week's Hostess with the Mostest is Katie :) She'll be posting the challenge some time this morning and I'll post my card this afternoon. You'll like this one - very Spring-like!
My Favorite Things is releasing 3 brand new sets tomorrow. I've been playing with them this week and will post some peeks tonight and tomorrow. Those of you with doggy furbabies will be happy, happy people! Kim posted a peek here, there's another one from Carole, and Michele has one here. Enjoy! Have a great day - I'll be back later :)
Written by toners at 7:53 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 05, 2008
Lost tooth! And where did 13 years go?
Jamie lost his first tooth last night! It has been noticeably loose for a while, but we didn't think it was coming out as soon as this. I actually got pretty emotional - my "baby" (don't let him hear I called him that!) is growing up way too fast for me!
Coincidentally, yesterday was also 13 years since we had our stillborn baby girl, Carol Helen. I can't believe it was so long ago. Iain and I were living in Orlando; we had been married just 18 months and, looking back, we were very young: I was 23 and Iain was 28. It was an awful time for us; our excitement and happiness were shattered and turned to grief and sadness so quickly.
Carol had spina bifida, and in honor of her birthday I've made a donation to March of Dimes. This is a great organization that (among other things) educates the public about birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Before I got pregnant again in 1996 with Nattie, I started taking a mega-dose of folic acid, and I continued to take it all the way until I had Jamie in 2002. It took us 6 pregnancies to have 2 healthy babies, and I am thankful every day for being lucky enough to be Carol's, Nattie's and Jamie's mom.
I hope you enjoy the "toothy grin" photo of Jamie :) He was more than happy to pose this morning!
Written by toners at 3:28 PM 17 comments
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Queen Kat Designs' Big Reveal!
Written by toners at 12:04 PM 4 comments
Friday, May 02, 2008
Cowboy Acrylic Stars Project :)
Alma sent all of us TCP DT gals some acrylic to work with pick was a set of 3 acrylic stars from Clear Scraps. Instead of making an album, I decided to make a wall hanging using photos of Jamie from Cowboy/Cowgirl day and some of the Cowboy stamps by TCP.
We had to use TCP stamps (of course!), and some other goodies I used from Alma included stitching rub-ons, star brads and some "love" bling (on the top star). You can click on the photo to see it in more detail :)
What are your weekend plans? Tomorrow I am giving a class at Artistic License using stamps by My Favorite Things - we have 6 people signed up, which is a really nice sized group. 2/3 of our new furniture arrived this morning, so I think Iain will be taking a trip to Goodwill while I teach my class. Sunday, I'm not quite sure yet.
Have a great weekend, everyone! And don't forget to stamp your TCP Tuesday card by the end of Saturday - it's all about the BLUE!
Written by toners at 10:41 AM 11 comments