Circle Journals

Written by toners at 12:02 PM 4 comments
goes a long way. Here's today's Blog Challenge from Two Peas: "Let's blog about understanding. Do you feel you are understood? Are there people in your life who think they know you, but really they don't?"
I'd say there are very few people who truly understand me or "get" me. I'm a pretty private person, and I choose my friends carefully. I'd much rather have a couple of super friends than a larger circle of acquaintances. Unfortunately because I'm so picky I can sometimes come across as a bit cold, which is far from being my intent - I love having new friends but I take a looooong time to develop trust with someone.
My hubby knows and accepts me for exactly who I am, quirks and all. He doesn't care if I eat mixed nuts in a certain order, or that I like hot and cold desserts (e.g. hot apple pie and ice cream) in separate bowls :)
The photo today is of part of Edinburgh's skyline - "Arthur's Seat".
Written by toners at 4:15 PM 6 comments
Finally back to my blog after a weeklong break - not a planned one, just one that happened with all the stuff going on after Iain and Jamie got back from Scotland last Monday. Of course, one of the best parts was downloading all the photos from the camera :) One of my favorites is this one of Jamie with his great-grandad (my dad's dad). My dad passed away 18 years ago, and everyone said that Jamie looks just like dad when he was a little boy.
What else has been going on? Well, Nattie has started up her piano lessons again and is doing an awesome job. We went and got signed up for a membership at the rec center so that we can go swimming :) I'm almost done with my latest class for school (Correctional Institutions - very interesting), and am looking forward to the 3-week break before I start the Psychology class.
And I'll use some of that 3-week break to work on the 3 circle journals I have for this month! It'll be nice to scrap for a while. Iain's sister arrives next Friday for 10 days so I'll be preparing for that too. Tasha, our new puppy, is settling in well. We took her to the vet last Friday and she weighs 35lbs already.... Sally the cat is still not happy but has ventured downstairs once which I guess is a start, right?
Written by toners at 8:30 AM 5 comments
Here are Tasha and Pickle getting their own way, right? We adopted Tasha on Thursday from a shelter in Golden, CO. They estimated that she's about 6 months old and possibly a lab/retriever mix. So far, from what has come out of her personality, I'd agree with that. She's really easy-going but of course has that hyper puppy streak going on :) Pickle has been coming down to check her out, but Sally (our older cat) is not happy. In fact, we had to put a litter tray and cat food upstairs for her because she's refusing to come down. I hope she comes around soon!
Written by toners at 3:02 PM 4 comments
Written by toners at 11:34 AM 6 comments
Written by toners at 9:31 PM 7 comments
Written by toners at 8:49 AM 5 comments
Well, the boys made it safely to Scotland. Iain said Jamie was just amazing on the plane. He put his jammies on him at the airport in Chicago, then when they got on the plane for London he watched his "Backyardigans" DVD and then announced he was ready for bed! He slept for about 5 hours :)
I was a total couch potato yesterday. I knew it would be the only day I'd be totally alone since Nattie would be on Summer vacation, so I made the most of it and caught up on a bunch of shows from my TiVo list. It was great! Nattie and I watched "Two Brothers" on DVD last night - if you haven't seen it, rent it. It's a beautiful story about two brother tigers.
We're hitting the mall this morning to get some summer clothes for Nattie; she has outgrown everything from last summer! We're leaving bright and early to beat the crowds.
Have a fabulous Saturday! Oh, and the layout here is of my other two "kids", Pickle and Sally.
Written by toners at 8:20 AM 4 comments