Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Birthday traditions...and other stuff

Two Peas Blog Challenge for today: "What birthday traditions do you uphold every year?" - our kids get a visit from the Balloon Fairy - she comes the night before their birthday and leaves balloons in their bedroom to surprise them when they wake up on their birthday :) It's a great start to their special day!

Nattie is having braces put on today. She's had a palette expander in for 2 months now and the braces will go on the front teeth, top and bottom. She has been such a brave girl about all this; only she and one other girl in her class are going through orthodontics right now. We're hoping that doing this bit of work now will mean less in a few years' time - fingers crossed!


Lynn February 27, 2007 at 6:19 AM  

That is such a cute idea having the balloon fairy! I bet they just love it.

Heather February 27, 2007 at 7:26 AM  

Ah, braces! Such fond memories!!! I'm glad I had them but it was a long process. I hope it goes well for her!
Love your card too! Very cute.

Allison Rankin February 27, 2007 at 8:51 AM  

Great work on the Sprinkle card. I had an upper palette expander, braces and corrective jaw surgery. Reminder her to wear her retainer...I was told to stop after six months and now they are all shifting back!

Noelia February 27, 2007 at 11:25 AM  

What a fun birthday tradition you do for your children! I hope your daugther adjusts to the braces just fine. Great job on that card!