Saturday, August 29, 2009


here's another card made with the "I {Heart} Books" set from My Favorite Things. This is a pretty simple one; it probably took me longer to color the image than it did for me to assemble the card :)
This morning I'm heading out to pick up a few bits and pieces for my classroom. Throughout the week I met up with all the teachers I'll be working with (2nd, 4th and 5th grade) and we got ourselves organized with materials for this coming week. I figured out I'll be seeing over 150 kids each day! I wonder how long it will take me to remember all their names...
And this afternoon I'm going to get my eyes tested. We'll see how that goes; my vision hasn't been the same since I had that allergic reaction to some eye drops earlier this year. Have a great Saturday, whatever you're up to :)


emily August 30, 2009 at 10:39 AM  

Good luck with the start of the school year!